New study looks at the nine key solar markets in Europe

New study looks at the nine key solar markets in Europe

New study looks at the nine key solar markets in Europe

Since the launch of the RepowerEU plan, the European Union has embarked on a new course towards more green energy to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and protect the climate. Photovoltaic systems in particular have been experiencing significant momentum in Europe since the early 2020s, supported by the launch of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) by each Member State of the European Union.

84 gigawatts in the small-scale solar segment.

Over the period 2018-2022, the EU-27 and the UK added a total of 118 gigawatts of solar capacity. EUPD Research estimates that 348 gigawatts of new capacity will be added in the 27 EU countries and the UK over the next five years, from 2023 to 2027. In addition, the share of decentralised solar installations is expected to be high. The addition of new capacity in the private small-scale segment is expected to be 84 gigawatts during this period. The hot-off-the-press study "Market Leadership Study: Last Mile Distributed Solar and Energy Storage" focuses on the private solar segment in the nine most important European markets. These include Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Denmark and the UK.

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The study focuses in particular on fully integrated and fast-growing installation companies that have experienced disproportionate growth in recent years and have gained a strong national and, in some cases, international presence and market share. These companies offer private homeowners and owners of smaller commercial buildings package deals for solar systems, with energy storage as well as heat pumps and charging infrastructure by offering all processes including sales, planning, installation and energy services in one solution.

Strong growth for German start-up 1Komma5°

Among the few pan-European providers, the start-up 1Komma5° has emerged as a new contender for market leadership, according to EUPD. In less than 24 months, the company has gained access to five European markets by acquiring leading installation and fulfilment companies focused on solar, storage and heat pump systems, EUPD explains.

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Meanwhile, the importance of national market leaders has increased. According to the report, companies such as Enpal, Eon Energia, Zolar and Svea Solar have become national market leaders by developing their own offerings and market access, as well as building a strong distribution position in their respective markets, while expanding internationally. (nhp/mfo)

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