パリの高級ホテルはエコシフト! 使用するお湯の半分を太陽光発電で沸かせる

パリの高級ホテルはエコシフト! 使用するお湯の半分を太陽光発電で沸かせる

https://solarjournal.jp/solarpower/45483/ パリの高級ホテルはエコシフト! 使用するお湯の半分を太陽光発電で沸かせる 2022/06/30 フランスは、世界の中でも地球にやさしい国。そんなフランスのホテルのトレンドは、いかにエコにシフトするか。フランスの首都・パリにオープンする5つ星ホテルのエコなポイントを見ていこう。 メイン画像:屋上に面...


https://news.solarbe.com/202206/20/356300.html 光伏税只是“开胃菜”?美国可再生能源企业“磋商”刺激光伏行业变革 发表于:2022-06-20 14:49:36     作者:编译:新睿 来源:utilitydive 在美国可再生能源委员会日前主办的一次小组讨论会上,美国一些可再生能源开发商的首席执行官参与分析和讨论。他们表示,在经历了2...
Lithium-ion fire fears spark recall of 433,000 solar LED umbrellas in US, Canada

Lithium-ion fire fears spark recall of 433,000 solar LED umbrellas in US, Canada

https://www.pv-magazine-india.com/2022/06/29/lithium-ion-fire-fears-spark-recall-of-433000-solar-led-umbrellas-in-us-canada/ Lithium-ion fire fears spark recall of 433,000 solar LED umbrellas in U...
Superando los límites de las celdas solares

Superando los límites de las celdas solares

https://www.pv-magazine-mexico.com/2022/06/28/superando-los-limites-de-las-celdas-solares/ Superando los límites de las celdas solares E. Regalado-Pérez, N. R. Mathews, X. Mathew del Instituto d...
Solar tariff moratorium creates upside, but supply challenges still loom

Solar tariff moratorium creates upside, but supply challenges still loom

https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2022/06/28/solar-tariff-moratorium-creates-upside-but-supply-challenges-still-loom/ Solar tariff moratorium creates upside, but supply challenges still loom Wood Mack...
Single-axis trackers on commercial rooftops increase generation by 37%

Single-axis trackers on commercial rooftops increase generation by 37%

https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2022/06/29/single-axis-trackers-on-commercial-rooftops-increase-generation-by-37/ Alion Energy trackers thread the return-on-investment needle with producti...
How the new round of SRES changes will alter the makeup of Australia’s solar industry

How the new round of SRES changes will alter the makeup of Australia’s solar industry

The Clean Energy Regulator has outlined the second round of changes coming to Australia’s solar rebate program, the small-scale renewable energy scheme (SRES). They primarily involve changing wh...
CEA-INES develops 18.95%-efficient flexible perovskite solar panels

CEA-INES develops 18.95%-efficient flexible perovskite solar panels

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/06/27/cea-ines-develops-18-95-efficient-flexible-perovskite-solar-panels/ CEA-INES develops 18.95%-efficient flexible perovskite solar panels French researchers ...


https://news.solarbe.com/202206/22/356408.html 60亿美元!美国成立光伏买家联盟寻求本土组件供应 发表于:2022-06-22 17:13:51     作者:蔡静华 来源:全球光伏 《全球光伏》获悉,美国电力生产商AES Corporation,Clearway Energy Group,Cypress Creek Rene...

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