solar panel

Tips to Harness Your Solar Energy Independence

How Do You Know Your Solar Panel Need to Upgrade Du liest Tips to Harness Your Solar Energy Independence 5 Minuten Weiter What is the Sun Number Score?

Having independence means you don’t have to rely on the power company or other fossil fuels. Many people like the sound of a wholly self-reliant and self-sustaining power system. It is possible for your home to become more eco-friendly and to break away from traditional power methods. You`re bound to its prices, requirements and regulations when dependent on your local power company.

Our carbon footprint is how much greenhouse gas you generate. Individuals in the US have the highest carbon footprint in the world. The average American’s carbon footprint is 16 tons of greenhouse gas. The global carbon footprint needs to drop below two tons to help the environment. You can better lower your carbon footprint by calculating it with a carbon calculator. With energy independence, you can limit your impact on the environment. One way to get out from under the energy company’s control is to install a solar power system. Solar energy comes with various benefits for all families. Let’s have a look!

Upgrades to your home can significantly increase your property’s value. For instance, if you were to add landscaping, finish your basement, or renovate the kitchen, the price of your home could skyrocket. Use the same logic with installing solar panels. Energy independence is considered an upgrade to your current property. Homebuyers may pay about $15,000 extra for a home with solar power. The size and type of system you install can also change the overall value of your home. For example, if you have a wholly energy-independent house, it may sell for more. Appraising your home before and after the installation can give you a clear picture of the difference in value.                      

solar panel

And the next is the question of how you can go solar for energy independence. As solar power rises in popularity, it will become more attainable for everyone. If you’re considering giving energy independence a chance, here are a few steps to prepare for solar energy.

Assess your property

A building inspector can determine if your roof is sound enough for the solar panel installation. Installing solar arrays takes a lot of roofing space. Make sure you check the condition of your roofing materials before installation. If you require any repairs, complete them before you install the panels. If you want to postpone any roof repairs, you have to remove the panels later. It takes less time and effort to fix the roof before the installation. Consider adding a separate cabinet or nook to house your battery before installing the panels.

Prepare your home

Before adding solar panels, prepare your home for energy independence by making it more efficient. For windows, add a protective film to increase energy efficiency. Other ideas include:

  • Install smart thermostats
  • Replace HVAC filters
  • Purchase a rain barrel
  • Check for attic leaks
  • Add insulation to drafty rooms

You may need to make additional preparations depending on if you plan to use an off-grid system or connect to the electrical grid.

Install your system

Once you receive your system, unbox it carefully and check for damage or missing parts. Some companies have a 24-hour window to submit shipping claims, so note the timeframe. When unboxing, check the materials against the packing list. Consider whether you should hire a professional to help you install your system. If you install the panels on your own, keep safety a top priority. Solar installation requires electrical work and heavy lifting. Many owners also have to climb on their roofs. Wear appropriate protective equipment during installation. It makes no sense to gain energy independence at the expense of your health and safety. Remove any metallic jewelry and wear long sleeves to protect your skin from concrete. If you’re working on the roof, you should use a roof anchor and harness. No matter the job, always wear eye protection and close-toed boots.                         

household solar system

Annual maintenance requirement

Plan to have your system inspected at least once per year. If a problem does develop, you can catch it early with the help of a professional. Homeowners who live in an area with little rain may need to have their solar panels cleaned twice a year. However, if you live in a place with rain, the water may wash away most debris.

If you’ve weighed the pros and cons of energy independence and want to reduce your family’s carbon footprint, SOLARPARTS can help you achieve a more eco-conscious lifestyle. We are an employee-owned company that understands what a green future looks like. Contact us today to learn more about how your family can gain independence!

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