KfW Research fordert Vervierfachung der Photovoltaik-Kapazität in Deutschland bis 2030

KfW Research fordert Vervierfachung der Photovoltaik-Kapazität in Deutschland bis 2030

https://www.pv-magazine.de/2022/04/14/kfw-research-fordert-vervierfachung-der-photovoltaik-kapazitaet-in-deutschland-bis-2030/ Angesichts der angestrebten Elektrifizierung von Verkehr und Wärme ...
You've heard of water droughts. Could 'energy' droughts be next?

You've heard of water droughts. Could 'energy' droughts be next?

https://en.solarbe.com/home/article/info/catId/36/id/5950.html You've heard of water droughts. Could 'energy' droughts be next? Posted on April 14, 2022   From   Columbia University Share...
Globally significant vanadium mine in WA ‘bankable,’ construction slated for 2023

Globally significant vanadium mine in WA ‘bankable,’ construction slated for 2023

https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2022/04/14/globally-significant-vanadium-mine-in-wa-bankable-construction-slated-for-2023/ A major Western Australian mine targeting the global vanadium bat...
Baden-Württemberg: Verbände fordern Aufhebung des Ausbaudeckels für Photovoltaik auf benachteiligten Flächen

Baden-Württemberg: Verbände fordern Aufhebung des Ausbaudeckels für Photovoltaik auf benachteiligten Flächen

https://www.pv-magazine.de/2022/04/13/baden-wuerttemberg-verbaende-fordern-aufhebung-des-ausbaudeckels-fuer-photovoltaik-auf-benachteiligten-flaechen/ Baden-Württemberg: Verbände fordern Aufhebung...
EU adopts directive allowing reduced VAT on several goods, including solar panels

EU adopts directive allowing reduced VAT on several goods, including solar panels

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/04/13/eu-adopts-directive-allowing-reduced-vat-on-several-goods-including-solar-panels/ EU adopts directive allowing reduced VAT on several goods, including solar ...
EU ermöglicht niedrigere Mehrwertsteuer auf Lieferung und Installation von Solarmodulen

EU ermöglicht niedrigere Mehrwertsteuer auf Lieferung und Installation von Solarmodulen

https://www.pv-magazine.de/2022/04/13/eu-ermoeglicht-niedrigere-mehrwertsteuer-auf-lieferung-und-installation-von-solarmodulen/ Nach den neuen Bestimmungen steht es den Mitgliedstaaten frei, für...
Queensland coal trips boosting solar’s sunset revenue

Queensland coal trips boosting solar’s sunset revenue

https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2022/04/14/queensland-coal-trips-boosting-solars-sunset-revenue/ Increased demand and continual outages at gas and coal power plants in Queensland have seen...
OEM | BYD flagship sedan launched new Han EV series, cruising range up to 715km

OEM | BYD flagship sedan launched new Han EV series, cruising range up to 715km

http://www.iccsino.com/news/show-htm-itemid-16738.html OEM | BYD flagship sedan launched new Han EV series, cruising range up to 715km   Date:2022-04-12  From:ICC On April 10, BYD new energy fla...
OEM |The impact of the epidemic in Shanghai on the automotive industry

OEM |The impact of the epidemic in Shanghai on the automotive industry

http://www.iccsino.com/news/show-htm-itemid-16737.html OEM |The impact of the epidemic in Shanghai on the automotive industry   Date:2022-04-12  From:ICC OEM in Shanghai region: SAIC Volkswagen ...

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