Hanwha Q-Cells bringt kombinierte Photovoltaik-Speicher-Wärmepumpenlösung für Wohngebäude in Europa auf den Markt

Hanwha Q-Cells bringt kombinierte Photovoltaik-Speicher-Wärmepumpenlösung für Wohngebäude in Europa auf den Markt

https://www.pv-magazine.de/2022/09/16/hanwha-q-cells-bringt-kombinierte-photovoltaik-speicher-waermepumpenloesung-fuer-wohngebaeude-in-europa-auf-den-markt/ Hanwha Q-Cells bringt kombinierte Photo...
FTC Solar unveils new self-powered tracking system

FTC Solar unveils new self-powered tracking system

https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2022/09/19/ftc-solar-unveils-new-self-powered-tracking-system/ United States-based engineering firm FTC Solar has unveiled a new self-powered solar tracking...
AGL plots solar and storage microgrid for farming operation

AGL plots solar and storage microgrid for farming operation

https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2022/09/19/agl-plots-solar-and-storage-microgrid-for-farming-operation/ Electricity supplier AGL Energy will deploy a solar-powered microgrid featuring 5.4 ...
Schweizer Parlament will Solarpflicht und mehr alpine Photovoltaik-Kraftwerke

Schweizer Parlament will Solarpflicht und mehr alpine Photovoltaik-Kraftwerke

https://www.pv-magazine.de/2022/09/16/schweizer-parlament-will-solarpflicht-und-mehr-alpine-photovoltaik-kraftwerke/ Der Ständerat hat die Beratungen zur Gletscher-Initiative für eine Solar-Offe...
Brazil suspends A-5 energy auction

Brazil suspends A-5 energy auction

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/09/16/brazil-suspends-a-5-energy-auction/ The auction was scheduled to be held on September 16. Energy regulator ANEEL said the move was due to inconsistency in ...
Germany introduces tax breaks for rooftop PV

Germany introduces tax breaks for rooftop PV

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/09/16/germany-introduces-tax-breaks-for-rooftop-pv/ The German government continues to respond to the energy crisis by implementing measures supporting small-siz...
En Chile, ofrecen un curso online gratuito sobre riego y fotovoltaica para mujeres agricultoras

En Chile, ofrecen un curso online gratuito sobre riego y fotovoltaica para mujeres agricultoras

https://www.pv-magazine-latam.com/2022/09/15/en-chile-ofrecen-un-curso-online-gratuito-sobre-riego-y-fotovoltaica-para-mujeres-agricultoras/ En Chile, ofrecen un curso online gratuito sobre riego ...
US startup unveils 5 kW solar canopy for EV charging

US startup unveils 5 kW solar canopy for EV charging

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/09/15/us-startup-unveils-5-kw-solar-canopy-for-ev-charging/ US startup unveils 5 kW solar canopy for EV charging Paired Power said its new 5 kW solar canopy meas...
EU-Kommission will Kraftwerkserlöse bei 180 Euro pro Megawattstunde deckeln

EU-Kommission will Kraftwerkserlöse bei 180 Euro pro Megawattstunde deckeln

https://www.pv-magazine.de/2022/09/14/eu-kommission-will-kraftwerkserloese-bei-180-euro-pro-megawattstunde-deckeln/ Die Gewinnabschöpfung soll neben Atom- und Kohlekraftwerken auch für die Erneu...

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