Svensk Solenergi pushes for a more ambitious solar target

Svensk Solenergi pushes for a more ambitious solar target

Svensk Solenergi pushes for a more ambitious solar target

One step in this direction is to recruit Madeleine van der Veer as a sustainability and business policy expert. Madeleine comes most recently from WWF, where she has been responsible for social policy. She has previously worked as a press secretary and political expert at the Swedish Government Offices. 

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"In the coming years, solar energy will play a crucial role in ensuring that we have safe, fast and sufficient electricity production for the climate transition. I'm really looking forward to working to ensure that the potential that solar energy can contribute is really realized," says Madeleine van der Veer.

At least 30 THW solar power by 2030

One of Svensk Solenergi's most important issues now is to achieve a national target for more solar power. The wish is that politicians listen to what the industry says they can deliver, i.e. at least 30 TWh by 2030, from today's 2 TWh. Swedish companies quickly need increased security and access to clean and cheap energy, to cope with climate change and to strengthen Sweden's competitiveness. The industry needs to increase the pressure on the government as solar energy has great potential that risks being neglected. 

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„I am happy and proud that Madeleine wants to become part of the Swedish Solar Energy Association. She has long experience and solid expertise in climate and environmental issues and is well versed in today's complex political landscape. We will now roll up our sleeves, sharpen our advocacy work and take an even greater place in the debate for a green energy transition“, says Anna Werner, CEO of Swedish Solar Energy. (hcn)

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