DPD switches completely to electric mobility in Switzerland

DPD switches completely to electric mobility in Switzerland

https://www.pveurope.eu/e-mobility/clean-transport-dpd-switches-completely-electric-mobility-switzerland DPD switches completely to electric mobility in Switzerland 04/13/2023 | Print view ©...
Combine PV and waste disposal

Combine PV and waste disposal

https://www.pveurope.eu/mounting/germany-combine-pv-and-waste-disposal Combine PV and waste disposal 04/13/2023 | Print view PowerCap, a landfill solar mounting system, installed at the wast...


https://solarjournal.jp/sj-market/48379/ シリーズ「太陽光義務化元年」2023年度の再エネ賦課金単価は1.40円、減額によるPPA提案への影響は? 2023/04/14 2023年度の再エネ賦課金単価は、制度開始以来初めての減額となった。背景には市場価格の高騰がある。コーポレートPPAなどの提案においては、減額による影響を考慮しなければなら...
Un système qui combine pompes à chaleur, solaire en toiture et batteries en habitat résidentiel

Un système qui combine pompes à chaleur, solaire en toiture et batteries en habitat résidentiel

https://www.pv-magazine.fr/2023/04/13/un-systeme-qui-combine-pompes-a-chaleur-solaire-en-toiture-et-batteries-en-habitat-residentiel/ Un système qui combine pompes à chaleur, solaire en toiture et...
Saltwater flow battery produces graphene while charging

Saltwater flow battery produces graphene while charging

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/04/13/saltwater-flow-battery-produces-graphene-while-charging/ Saltwater flow battery produces graphene while charging Salgenx has developed a way to produce gra...
シリーズ「太陽光義務化元年」群馬県が条例施行 延床面積2000㎡以上

シリーズ「太陽光義務化元年」群馬県が条例施行 延床面積2000㎡以上

https://solarjournal.jp/sj-market/48444/ シリーズ「太陽光義務化元年」群馬県が条例施行 延床面積2000㎡以上 2023/04/12 群馬県は4月1日、延床面積2000㎡以上の建築物を新築・増改築する際に、再エネ発電設備などの導入を義務付ける条例を施行した。都道府県では京都府に続いて2例目。事業者向けの「初期費用0円事業」や「共同購入」「低...
How many solar panels would have been needed to power the Death Star?

How many solar panels would have been needed to power the Death Star?

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/04/13/how-many-solar-panels-would-have-been-needed-to-power-the-death-star/ How many solar panels would have been needed to power the Death Star? How many 400 W ...
Viessmann adds Wallbox to PV-battery-heat pump package

Viessmann adds Wallbox to PV-battery-heat pump package

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/04/13/viessmann-adds-wallbox-to-pv-battery-heat-pump-package/ Viessmann adds Wallbox to PV-battery-heat pump package Viessmann’s new sub-distribution system link...
KAUST claims 33.2% efficiency for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell

KAUST claims 33.2% efficiency for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/04/13/kaust-claims-33-2-efficiency-for-perovskite-silicon-tandem-solar-cell/ KAUST claims 33.2% efficiency for perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell An unidentifi...

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